Good Morning!
Good Morning Everyone! Have you taken a look outside yet to see the MOUNDS of snow we receieved last night?.
So for now I leave you with a cartoon strip, Have a great Saturday everyone and hope to see you all tomorrow for Church!

Pioneer Club=SUCCESS!

Mens Trip To Panorama
The Tribulation
Keep the faith Bucs fans - Go Bucs Go
This game was truly about having faith in your team. Sorry about your eagles Stefan, it was a valiant attempt!
Pumpkin Party!
Men's Retreat!
Sunday Musings!
As well as music from the worship team such as - "How Great Is Our God", " Celebrate Jesus Celebrate", "Worthy is the Lamb" and "Offering".
Before the service, we had a good turn out for our "Toast Fellowship" which commenced at 9am. Thank to Walter and Susan Kwak for their gourmet delights.
If you missed out, make sure to join us next sunday!
Go Oilers Go!

Yes, I owe it all to you, Mom.
Throughout my life your caring,
Christmas Countdown!
Cool Christian T-shirts
Interested in buying the t-shirt's here? AND SO MANY MORE....
Upcoming Sermon Series - Revelation
Week #1 - The church and worship, Week #2 - The Tribulation,
Week #3 - The AntiChrist, Week #4 - Armageddon,
Week #5 - The New Era, Week #6 - Christ's Return
This series may change your life! See you at Church!
Church Fellowship Night - CANCELLED
Do too circumstances beyond our control we have had to cancel this months Church Fellowship Night. Don't be too sad everyone - it will return in November!
Praise God!!
Wow! If you missed out on church today, you missed a hip hoppin' service! The worship today was unbelieveable! The thanksgiving decorations were done up so wonderfully and you could really feel the spirit moving in the sanctuary today! From Songs like Days of Elijah to Blessed Be Your Name to Forever to I Could Sing of Your Love Forever! It's amazing how many people really get into the music when we (the worship team) are playing it. From the stage it is an awesome thing to see people lifting their hands up to the Lord.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Give Thanks!
Thanksgiving Time...
- Don't stuff the turkey with the dressing, as it absorbs much of the fat. Bake it in a covered casserole instead.
- Saute onions and celery in a small amount of butter/margarine, i.e., 1 tablespoon. Use chicken or turkey broth for additional moisture.
- Roast the turkey on a rack so the fat drips away from the bird.
- Use a fat separator for the roasting pan juices and skim off all fat before making the gravy. (like using a dry package of turkey gravy mix for added flavor and thickening)
- Sprinkle hot vegetables with dill for flavor instead of butter.
- Use all fruit spreads on rolls vs butter or margarine OR, SKIP THE ROLLS due to so many other "bread" items, i.e., stuffing, sweet potatoes, whipped potatoes, etc.
- Use the 1-10 rating system during Thanksgiving dinner. Rate each food that is passed on a 1-10 scale - 1, not appealing - 10, WOW, my favorite! Eat only 9's and 10's. Pass up the rest!
- Don't skip meals before the big meal that day. You'll be too hungry and may overeat. Treat it as a regular day - 3 meals and fruit snacks.
- Begin the meal with a salad. You'll eat less during dinner.
- After dinner, go for a long walk!
Small Groups....
Just to let those of you that are interested in attending the following small groups the times and places of where and when they commence:
The Men's Group starts tonight at The church at 7:00pm
The Ladies Group starts tomorrow night at The Dube's at 6:30pm
The Adults Group starts tomorrow night at The Berrisford's at 6:30pm
The Parenting Group starts tomorrow night at The Marshall's at 6:30pm
How to Post A Comment..
Step 1: Underneath each blog post is the amount of comments, click on that link and it will take you to a page where there is a space that you can write in what you would like to type
Step 2: As soon as you are finished you can choose from the following three things to publish it : Blogger(the address of your current blog page), Other (fill in your name) and Anonymous (if you don't wish to make it known to everyone that you published that comment)
Step 3: When you are finished there is a space where you need to copy the letters and write them in the space provided
Step 4: When you are finished completing all 3 tasks click on Login and Publish and your comment will automatically be sent
Friday Night- The youth and our youth pastors travelled the 2 and a half hours to the Salvation Army Pine Lake Camp for Youth Together 2006. Youth from Alberta came to worship God in a positive Christian environment. While back in St.Albert our new floor hockey league went very well! 18 guys/girls showed up to play and have some fun! This week the teams will be picked just pray that Dean Poffley is on your team He's AWESOME! WHOAH! We hope to see everyone out there next friday!
Saturday- Had a wonderful time at our 2nd annual golf tournament and potluck. The weather was fantastic, we had a record turn out and everyone received a prize during the potluck dinner immediately following the golf.
Special mention to the most honest golfer: Gina Joys, to the longest putt winner: Betty, and to the shortest putt: Susan Kwak
Sunday- In spite of the many who attended Youth Councils at Pine Lake Camp we enjoyed an amazing worship service and Captain Tiffany reminded us of the importance of being part of a church family, being connected to one another and committed to caring for each another.
This Week's Birthdays: Stefan's Birthday is on Tuesday October 2, and Erin Mireau is turning 19 on Thursday October 5!