New Years Eve
Come on out and enjoy a fun filled family evening while we offer Hot Chocolate to our community and yes our community response vehicle will be in action.
See you there!
This Sunday
See you all there!
Happy New Year
Final Christmas Kettle Tally
Kettle count - $162,743.00
Mail count - $67,700.00 (there will be a bit more to count in the coming days)
Total raised - $230,443.00
Thank you so much for entrusting us with these funds. We will ensure that they are used wisely for the needs in our community.
God bless you one and all!
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Update #9
Kettles (24 of 26 days completed) $136,701.92 raised....$21,701.92 (above target)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 21) $59,960.00 raised....$5,040.00 (to go)
WOW - Thank you for your generosity - we are truly overwhelmed.
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (23 of 26 days completed) $124,690.42 raised....$9,690.42 (above target)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 21) $59,960.00 raised....$5,040.00 (to go)
WOW - Thank you for your generosity - we are truly overwhelmed.
The 12 Days of Christmas
What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?
From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.
-The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
-Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
-Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.
-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
-The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
-Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
-The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
-Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
-The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
-The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
-The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
So there is your history for today.
Merry (12 days of) Christmas Everyone!
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (21 of 26 days completed) $112,203.42 raised....$2,796.58 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 18) $54,060.00 raised....$10,940.00 (to go)
Thank you for your generosity - we are truly overwhelmed.
Next Sunday
Majors Fred & Wendy Waters will be our special guests for the service and they will be supported by the St Albert Worship Team.
Be sure to come early and get a good seat. Service starts at 11am - see you there!
A Great Weekend
Special thanks to Joe & Donna Ludlow and all of their support cast.
We are already looking forward to next years pageant.
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (19 of 26 days completed) $101,386.80 raised....$13,613.20 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 14) $50,340.00 raised....$14,660.00 (to go)
Thank you for your generosity - we are truly overwhelmed.
Childrens Christmas Pageant
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (15 of 26 days completed) $68,883.28 raised....$46,116.72 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 11) $36,165.00 raised....$28,835.00 (to go)
Thank you for your generosity - we are truly overwhelmed.
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Update #4
Kettles (13 of 26 days completed) $61,035.83 raised....$53,964.17 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 10) $32,370.00 raised....$32,630.00 (to go)
Way to go team - keep up the great work!
Light Up St.Albert '07

2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Update #3
Kettles (10 of 26 days completed) $43,740.71 raised....$71,259.29 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Dec 5) $27,265.00 raised....$37,735.00 (to go)
Way to go team - keep up the great work!
2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (5 of 26 days completed) $19,670.82 raised....$95,329.18 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Nov 30) $20,310 raised....$44,690.00 (to go)
Way to go team - keep up the great work!
Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (2 of 26 days completed) $11,006.11 raised....$103,993.89 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Nov 26) $16,250.00 raised....$48,750.00 (to go)
Way to go team - keep up the great work!
Christmas Kettle Campaign Kick Off

Christmas Kettle Kick Off
Dont forget - This coming Friday night at 7pm the St Albert Steel will be facing off against the Okotoks Oilers. During the game we will be kicking off our 2007 Christmas kettle campaign.
Before the game The Salvation Army Band will start the game with the national anthem. Then during the first period intermission Mayor Crouse will be declaring December as Christmas Kettle Month. During the second period intermission there will be a frisbee toss with the proceeds to go to the Salvation Army in St Albert.
Hope to see you all at servus credit union place - St. Albert!
This coming week.....
Tuesday - Dinner & Small groups 6:30pm
Wednesday - Small groups 6:30pm
Wednesday - Kettle Volunteer Meeting 7:00pm
Thursday - Pioneer Club 6:30pm
Friday - We Can Food Coop 4:00pm
Friday - Floor Hockey 7:00pm
Saturday - Mens Breakfast 7:30am
Saturday - Young Adults - A Murder Mystery 7:00pm
Sunday - Worship team Practise 9:00am
Sunday - Prayer Mtg 10:30am
Sunday - Worship Service 11:00am
Letters from War (by Mark Schultz)
Enjoy !
(Warning - you may want to make sure that you have a kleenex box beside you)
Sorry I could not download the clip so please go to the following site and watch it there!
Thank You - Canada Remembers
Once again we will gather at cenetaphs or in churches across this great country to take time and remember the courage and valour of the many men and women who once defended or continue to defend our rights and freedoms.
This weekend, be sure to at least thank a veteran, or write to a soldier online that is currently deployed, or attend a Remembrance Day service and where a Poppy.
Your support will not go unnoticed.
Personally, this weekend I intend to thank my Grandad - why not do the same and thank someone you know?
By the way, dont forget to thank God for the blessings that we now enjoy in this country and be sure to continue to pray for peace.
Alpha Weekend
Church Fellowship Night
If you dont already have plans the church is going bowling.
If you are looking for a great night of fun and fellowship be sure to come to the St Albert bowling centre (behind riverside honda).
See You There!
The Weekend Summary
-Red Deer - a car driving the wrong way on a one way with a gas hose hanging from the gas tank
-Where did Fred & Ken go - lost on route to Panorama
-Black bear sighting, stopped for a close look
-Capt Les eating stir fry in Invermere (whats wrong with this picture)
-Arriving in Panorama after 10hr drive, second vehicle arrives at 1am
-Sat Pancake/Sausage Breakfast, Hot Tub
-Worship Major Ken
-Session #1 Major Fred - Personality vs Character
-BBQ Lunch, Hot Tub
-Afternoon walk at Panorama, Transformers
-BBQ Steak Dinner, Hot Tub
-Worship Major Ken
-Session #2 Major Fred - "The Pert Plan"
-Salvation Army Euchre Tourney - Be sure to watch out for Walter
-Hot tub, Late night snacks
-Sun Breakfast - serve yourself
-Clean up and head to Church
-Major Fred lighting the communion candles
-Major Fred participating in the game show on the platform during the service
-Major Fred gives his testimony
-Lunch at "Invermere on the Lake"
-Tims visit, on the road
-Joe wants to feed the bull elk by hand at the side of the road
-Arrive home at 8:30pm
Back from Panorama
A sincere thank you to all who attended and a special thanks to our special guests Major Fred Waters & Major Ken Percy.
If you didn't come this year, we sure hope to see you next year!
Heading Out To Serve Jesus In A Hot Tub
The following is an excerpt from Major Fred's blog...
"It looks like it will be a great deal of fun, (fellowship and learning), though of course I'll be suffering for Jesus quite a bit...sitting in a hot tub in the middle of the mountains. "
The Major is right, it is going to be a fantastic weekend and God is going to speak. It is my prayer that we will be listening.
Please pray for us all this weekend as we will be praying for you - see y' all Sunday evening!
New Series Coming Sunday
See you on Sunday at 11am!
Special Thanks
The song/chorus we sung nicely summarized the message....
For the joys and for the sorrows, the best and worst of times,
Fears that crowd around me, for the failure of my plans,
For the tears that flow in secret,in the broken times,
For all the disappointments,or the sting of old regrets,
For the weakness of my body,the burdens of each day,
Men Dont forget.....
There is plenty of room for everyone - see you all there!
Nolan Crouse - St Alberts Mayor-Elect
and to our Council Members - Elect
Lorie Garritty
Len Bracko
Roger Lemieux
James Burrows
Gareth Jones
Carol Watamaniuk
Coming This Week
Tuesday - Youville Nursing Home Visit @ 10:45am, Small Group Dinner @ 6:30pm, the Alpha course begins at 7:15, Prayer & New Testament Characters group studies begin @ 7:30pm.
Wednesday - Ladies Night Out & Bible Scrapbooking Group begins at 7:00pm
Thursday - Pioneer Club @ 6:30pm, Band Practise @ 8:15pm
Friday - Floor Hockey from 7:00-9:00pm
Saturday - Men's Breakfast 7:30am @ Mugginz, Harvest Brunch @ 9:30am, Young Adults @ 7:00pm
Sunday - Music Team Practise @ 9:00am, Prayer Meeting @ 10:30am, Worship Service @ 11:00am
Election Day
In St Albert there are three candidates running for Mayor and several councillors trying to win one of six seats.
Here are the choices for Mayor...
Richard Plain
Nolan Crouse
Garry Woo
Learn about them - what they stand for and what they will bring to the table for the future of St Albert.
Breakforth Conference
This is just a reminder for everyone who wants to attend this years conference that your application is due by this coming Sunday afternoon, at the latest.
If you are looking for more information on the workshops, concerts, or the worship leaders please go to :
Based on Joshua 3:5 when Joshua told the people,
"Consecrate yourselves,
Of course soon after the Israelites crossed the Jordan River in a miraculous way into the promised land. This was pretty amazing.
Men's Weekend Retreat
The History and Origin of Canadian Thanksgiving
In Canada Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October. Unlike the American tradition of remembering Pilgrims and settling in the New World, Canadians give thanks for a successful harvest. The harvest season falls earlier in Canada compared to the United States due to the simple fact that Canada is further north.
The history of Thanksgiving in Canada goes back to an English explorer, Martin Frobisher, who had been trying to find a northern passage to the Orient. He did not succeed but he did establish a settlement in Northern America. In the year 1578, he held a formal ceremony, in what is now called Newfoundland, to give thanks for surviving the long journey. This is considered the first Canadian Thanksgiving. Other settlers arrived and continued these ceremonies. He was later knighted and had an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in northern Canada named after him - Frobisher Bay.
At the same time, French settlers, having crossed the ocean and arrived in Canada with explorer Samuel de Champlain, also held huge feasts of thanks. They even formed 'The Order of Good Cheer' and gladly shared their food with their Indian neighbours. After the Seven Year's War ended in 1763, the citizens of Halifax held a special day of Thanksgiving.
During the American Revolution, Americans who remained loyal to England moved to Canada where they brought the customs and practices of the American Thanksgiving to Canada. There are many similarities between the two Thanksgivings such as the cornucopia and the pumpkin pie.Eventually in 1879, Parliament declared November 6th a day of Thanksgiving and a national holiday.
Over the years many dates were used for Thanksgiving, the most popular was the 3rd Monday in October. After World War I, both Armistice Day and Thanksgiving were celebrated on the Monday of the week in which November 11th occurred. Ten years later, in 1931, the two days became separate holidays and Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day.
Finally, on January 31st, 1957, Parliament proclaimed..."A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed ... to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October.
The Alpha Course
What is Alpha?
Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The Alpha course includes ten meals and an amazing weekend getaway that comes halfway through the 10-week course. The course meets once per week.
Alpha has become a worldwide phenomenon, now in 164 countries, where millions of people have come to explore the meaning of life.
Each session people enjoy great food, laughter and learning in a fun and friendly atmosphere where no question about life and God is seen as too simple or too hostile…questions like—Is there a God? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going?
See you there!
Pioneer Club
What is Pioneer Club?
Pioneer Clubs provides proven church-sponsored midweek club programs for today's kids, preschool through middle school. Each of these programs helps boys and girls build healthy relationships with caring Christian adults, peers and most importantly, Jesus Christ. Thousands of churches across North America count on Pioneer Clubs materials to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, kid-focused and flexible—helping them create a children's ministry that transforms lives
Join today!
Tragic News - IHQ Press Release
Information to date points to an individual act of criminality. There is nothing to suggest that this is related in any way to terrorism. It is reported that a man has been arrested on possibly related charges.The incident occurred at about 6.30 pm local time while Colonel Brekke was working alone in his office. The colonel’s wife, Colonel Birgitte Brekke, was in London at the time, attending meetings at International Headquarters.
A Norwegian by birth, Bo Brekke, who was 50, was a cadet in the Proclaimers of Salvation Session, being commissioned as an officer in May 1980 and appointed as corps officer to Brevik, in Norway. The following year he transferred to corps leadership in the Denmark Territory, the home territory of Birgitte. After two years in Denmark, Bo and Birgitte returned to Norway and served in corps appointments until their transfer to the Sri Lanka Territory at the beginning of 1987.
In Sri Lanka, a short period as Manager of Hope House Home for Employed Disabled Men preceded an appointment as Acting Property Secretary in July 1987, and then as Property and Special Efforts Secretary from November 1988. As Community Services Secretary from 1991, the then Captain Brekke also undertook management of Hope House once again.Bo and Birgitte returned to Norway from 1993 to 1995, giving leadership to Fredrikstad Corps during that time.Having developed a deep love for South Asia and its people, it was a personal joy for Bo and Birgitte Brekke when, in August 1995, they were appointed as regional leaders to Bangladesh. Under their leadership the work of the Army flourished and in 1997 the Bangladesh Region was granted command status, and Major Bo Brekke was appointed as Officer Commanding, with Birgitte serving alongside him as Command President of Women’s Ministries and Command Youth Officer.
The late summer of 2002 saw a further change of culture and working environment as Bo and Birgitte were appointed as divisional leaders of the North Scotland Division in the United Kingdom Territory, followed by service respectively as Chief Secretary and Secretary for Mission Development in the Eastern Europe Territory. It was from there that, almost exactly one year ago (15 September 2006) Colonel Bo Brekke was appointed as Territorial Commander of the Pakistan Territory, and Colonel Birgitte Brekke as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries.
At the time of her husband’s promotion to Glory Colonel Birgitte Brekke was attending meetings at International Headquarters in London. Arrangements were made immediately for her to fly to Norway to be with her two sons, Benjamin and Bo Christoffer, and other family members. She was accompanied by her sister, Major Hannelise Tvedt, who had come to London to see Birgitte while she was visiting IHQ.Contact details for Colonel Brekke and the family, as well as funeral arrangements, will be made known in due course.
The funeral will be conducted in Oslo, Norway, by the General, accompanied by Commissioner Helen Clifton, World President of Women’s Ministries.General Clifton said: ‘Colonel Bo Brekke was a Salvation Army leader of unusual and distinctive talents. Both he and his wife, Colonel Birgitte Brekke, were known for their hearts of compassion towards the marginalised. Their service together in many lands has been marked by creativity and imagination in order to reach out to the poor, giving them dignity, and also to share their personal faith as Salvationists in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
St. Albert Thrift Store
The store is located in the south end of town in Tudor Glen Plaza. If you are looking for a great deal on clothing, household items, furniture then you better get in and visit the store. There are always new things everyday bargains galore.
The revenue generated from this store is put back into the community for various program and client assistance. Help us help others to giving hope today, support our local store, you will not regret it!
Youth Councils
Small Groups
The Alpha Course 6:30-9:00pm (includes dinner)
Bible Scrapbooking 7:30-9:00pm
Study on Prayer 7:30-9:00pm
New Testament Characters 7:30-9:00pm
All four studies take place at the Church. If you are interested please contact the Church office as soon as possible.
WOW - What a Weekend
By the way, if you haven't seen the movie - "Facing the Giants", go and see it, it is awesome and life changing, you won't regret it!
Facing the Giants Movie - Saturday Night Sept 22 @ 6:30pm
In his six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Even the hope of a new season is squelched when the best player on his Shiloh Eagles decides to transfer schools. After losing their first three games of the season, the coach discovers a group of fathers are plotting to have him fired. Combined with pressures at home, Coach Taylor has lost hope in his battle against fear and failure.
However, an unexpected challenge helps him find a purpose bigger than just victories. Daring to trust God to do the impossible, Coach Taylor and the Eagles discover how faith plays out on the field … and off.
With God, all things are possible …
Be assured that this movie will speak to you and move you in amazing ways.
Funeral Service
Please join with us at 1:00pm at The Salvation Army Church for the funeral service conducted by Major Brian Venables and Captain Les Marshall. Be sure to come early as we are expecting 500-600 people for the service.
Rally Day
Dinner this Saturday at 5pm
Movie at 6:30pm
Sunday Sept 23
Worship service at 11:am
Pot Luck luncheon & Farewell 12:30pm
Things to remember
The worship service will be led by Mr & Mrs Stefan Van Schaick and Mr Jason Waters will bring forth the message. Captains Les & Tiffany Marshall will be in Winnipeg supporting our Cadets Jon & Tracy Savage as they are officially "marched in" to the college in Winnipeg.
Rally Day Weekend Sept 22-23, 2007
This weekend is coming very quickly. Be sure to come and enjoy yourself with the rest of the Church family as we celebrate our annual "Fall kick off' Party" otherwise known as Rally Day.
Saturday at 5:00pm we will gather for dinner immediately followed by a Movie night at the Church where we will watch the highly motivational movie entitled "Facing the Giants".
Service starts at 11:00am - see you on Sunday!
3rd Annual Golf Tourney
Long Weekend
This ad might be the best marketing ploy of all time (it is right up there with the Coca Cola ad of the early 80's with Mean Joe Greene and the DQ ad a couple of years ago).
Check them out and you decide. Place your vote in the comment section.
The Staples ad...
Coca Cola ad...
The DQ ad...
Great News - Our bus has been sold.
The proceeds will go towards the completion of our new community response vehicle and towards the cost of replacing the chairs in our sanctuary.
Thanks to everyone who assisted us in selling it and special thanks to the group who purchased it!
The end of summer blues
Yes and No - after all a new season of opportunity is on the horizon. New programs, new experiences new possibiliities new friendships all for the taking.
As September arrives be sure to get involved and be ready to receive the blessings that God has instore for us all.
New programs, new ideas its coming - get ready, get set, go...........
This is going to be the best year yet!
Please make sure to join us for Sunday worship @ 11am. Claudette Reid is conducting the service, and she has many great things in store for us. So make sure to support her and come on down for a time of good worship, fellowship and friends.
Jon & Tracy, Kurtis and Kassandra Savage are about to embark on a life changing journey that God has prepared for them.
They will first take some holidays then head off to Winnipeg MB for two years of Seminary College and then receive there first appointment (most likely) somewhere in the Canada & Bermuda Territory.
Be sure to come out and support the Savage family on this there last Sunday in St. Albert and fittingly immediately following the service there will be a luncheon.
Halcyon Hot Springs waiting for the ferry
This Coming Weekend....
Sunday - Worship at 11:00am led by Candidates Jon & Tracy Savage
Be sure to come and support our church family this weekend!
Please join me and welcome the new team .....
Major's Eric and Donna Bond - Divisional Leaders
Major's Fred & Wendy Waters - Northern Alberta Area Commanders
Major's Ron & Toni Cartmell - Southern Alberta Area Commanders
Major's Brian & Anne Venables - Saskatchewan Area Commanders
Major Bev Call - Divisional Secretary for Business Admin
Major's Roy & Sandy Langer - Emergency & Disaster Services/Seniors,Volunteers, & Retired Officers Secretary
Captain Darlene Burt - Divisional Youth Secretary
Suggested Readings
1. Salvationist Magazine - Especially August issue
There are some great articles dealing with Sports Ministries.
While we do offer some sports ministry currently with our Eight week summer day camp program called "Soul Sportz" and a fall/winter ball hockey league, we need to do more.
Our Church board will be discussing some more possiblities in the near future - stay tuned.
2. My Adventures with Christ - Memoirs of an Officer by Major Ted Percy
This book is now on sale for $18.00 including shipping and handling. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of your own please contact the Church office as soon as possible.
Employment Opportunities
Director of Children & Youth Ministries (Part Time Position)
To coordinate, facilitate, oversee and lead (as required) all aspects of Children & Youth Ministries ensuring to fulfill the five fold purpose of the Church (Evangelism, Discipleship, Worship, Service and Fellowship)
Office Administrator (Full Time Position)
To receive, meet and greet all who come into the church throughout the week, to maintain and perform all necessary responsibilities of the general office on a daily basis and assist the CFS Coordinator with clients needs.
Church Property Coordinator (Part Time Position)
To coordinate, oversee, carry out and maintain all aspects of indoor and exterior maintenance at the Church property.
If you are looking for an exciting opportunity in a Christian workplace and feel that you have the necessary skills than please feel free to submit a resume to the Church office as soon as possible.
Soul Sportz 2007
This year the day camp offers 8 different themes over 8 weeks which ensures that there will be something for everyone.
If you are looking for a quality and yet affordable program for your son or daugther then register as soon as possible. Space is limited so don't delay.
Be sure to call the church office for more details at 780-458-1937.
Canada Day - July 1
Canada Day is a time to celebrate the heritage passed down to us through the works of our authors, poets, artists and performers. It is a time to rejoice in the discoveries of our scientific researchers, in the success of our entrepreneurs, and to commemorate our history — a history in which each new chapter reveals itself to be more touching, more fascinating than the last.
As we look ahead, we have every reason to face the future with confidence and enthusiasm.
Let's celebrate Canada!
Congratulations to Len & Katherine on the arrival of their baby girl. Her name is Grace and was born early Sunday morning and she weighed 7lbs 4oz's.
Mom, Dad, the boys and the baby are all doing well, in fact Dad is already sending pictures and video clips to all in cyberspace - stay tuned.
Mayors Walk/Run for Charity

I sit here writing this note only 2 hrs after completing the race in one piece. This year, Capt Les, Beth, Adam and Justin participated in the run and Capt Tiffany & Linda volunteered to help put the race on.
Once again, we thank this years sponsor Roy Financial and all of the volunteers and participants that made the walk/race a tremendous success. Last year 26 local charities recieved a total of $56000 and this year we hope to top that total.
Many thanks to those who sponsored our participants. Together we raised over $700.00 in pledges which will go toward purchasing new chairs for the Church sanctuary.
That's all for now - now its time to soak those sore and aching muscles.
See you tomorrow at Church - 11AM!
The previous 36 hrs - musings by Capt Les
WOW - what a funeral - huge attendance - lovely yet very emotional service. Daryl obviously touched the lives of many!
Tuesday morning left the Salvation Army's Jackson's Point Camp and stopped at Nobleton Lakes Golf & Country club to visit Capt Les' brother who is the golf pro.
From there headed to Hamilton ON to visit with family and friends.
Wednesday morning went trailer shopping with his Mom, had lunch with his grandfather Capt Fred Marshall (R) and then Capt Les' dad drove him back to the airport in Toronto.
Arrived at the airport to discover that the 7pm flight had been cancelled. Now departing on a 9pm flight.
Capt Les had the privelage to sit around the airport and surf the net and update the blog.
Really looking forward to getting home. Capt Les misses Capt Tiffany, Adam, Courtney and shelby.
What a trip - see you all soon!
Thanks Mom & Dad for everything - Bless you both!
Fathers Day
Remember that after the service we will be having our annual Church picnic BBQ so that way you don't even have to take Dad out for lunch - simply stay for the BBQ - its for everyone!
See you there!
Church Picnic
Feel free to bring deserts & salads & your favorite lawn chair, the Church will provide the Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and some games for the kids.
See you all there!
The Pursuit of Happyness
Chris Gardner's life is falling apart. After a business deal goes bad, he feels that the only way he can make a good life for his family is if he changes careers. So despite all the odds, Gardner enters the chase for a lucrative job as a stockbroker at Dean-Whitter. The only problem is that the competitive internship required doesn't pay anything, and there is no guarantee of employment at its end. Evicted, abandoned, and nearly penniless, Gardner refuses to let go of his dream. The Pursuit of Happyness stands as a modern-day parable about perseverance and the value of family.
Be sure to come learn how this modern day parable can apply to us all!
See you Sunday at 11:am!
Womens Camp
Have a great time ladies!
Rainmaker Rodeo Parade
The parade was a tremendous success all except the last 100 yards when 2 of our young people tried to get off of the moving trailer. In so doing they fell and hurt themselves. Both kids went to hospital -one left with a cast and the other limped away.
All in a days work - never a dull moment in St Albert!
Special Guests
Immediately following the service there will be a BBQ luncheon for everyone in attendance which we be an opportunity to say farewell to both the Graves and the Van Duinens as they prepare for their new appointments in Ontario.
Make sure that you plan on attending this Sunday at 11:am
Anyone that would like to volunteer for our summer program "Soul Sportz" would be GREATLY appreciated. It runs Monday toFriday 12:30-4:30. Invite your friends, invite your friend's friend's. The more help the better! It is going to be an awesome summer and we would love to get to know you more and help teach these kids about God's awesome love. If you have any questions please contact Courtney Marshall, Nicole Robinson or Jon Savage.