2007 Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (5 of 26 days completed) $19,670.82 raised....$95,329.18 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Nov 30) $20,310 raised....$44,690.00 (to go)
Way to go team - keep up the great work!
Christmas Kettle & Mail Campaign
Kettles (2 of 26 days completed) $11,006.11 raised....$103,993.89 (to go)
Mail (Up to and including Nov 26) $16,250.00 raised....$48,750.00 (to go)
Way to go team - keep up the great work!
Christmas Kettle Campaign Kick Off

Christmas Kettle Kick Off
Dont forget - This coming Friday night at 7pm the St Albert Steel will be facing off against the Okotoks Oilers. During the game we will be kicking off our 2007 Christmas kettle campaign.
Before the game The Salvation Army Band will start the game with the national anthem. Then during the first period intermission Mayor Crouse will be declaring December as Christmas Kettle Month. During the second period intermission there will be a frisbee toss with the proceeds to go to the Salvation Army in St Albert.
Hope to see you all at servus credit union place - St. Albert!
This coming week.....
Tuesday - Dinner & Small groups 6:30pm
Wednesday - Small groups 6:30pm
Wednesday - Kettle Volunteer Meeting 7:00pm
Thursday - Pioneer Club 6:30pm
Friday - We Can Food Coop 4:00pm
Friday - Floor Hockey 7:00pm
Saturday - Mens Breakfast 7:30am
Saturday - Young Adults - A Murder Mystery 7:00pm
Sunday - Worship team Practise 9:00am
Sunday - Prayer Mtg 10:30am
Sunday - Worship Service 11:00am
Letters from War (by Mark Schultz)
Enjoy !
(Warning - you may want to make sure that you have a kleenex box beside you)
Sorry I could not download the clip so please go to the following site and watch it there!
Thank You - Canada Remembers
Once again we will gather at cenetaphs or in churches across this great country to take time and remember the courage and valour of the many men and women who once defended or continue to defend our rights and freedoms.
This weekend, be sure to at least thank a veteran, or write to a soldier online that is currently deployed, or attend a Remembrance Day service and where a Poppy.
Your support will not go unnoticed.
Personally, this weekend I intend to thank my Grandad - why not do the same and thank someone you know?
By the way, dont forget to thank God for the blessings that we now enjoy in this country and be sure to continue to pray for peace.
Alpha Weekend
Church Fellowship Night
If you dont already have plans the church is going bowling.
If you are looking for a great night of fun and fellowship be sure to come to the St Albert bowling centre (behind riverside honda).
See You There!
The Weekend Summary
-Red Deer - a car driving the wrong way on a one way with a gas hose hanging from the gas tank
-Where did Fred & Ken go - lost on route to Panorama
-Black bear sighting, stopped for a close look
-Capt Les eating stir fry in Invermere (whats wrong with this picture)
-Arriving in Panorama after 10hr drive, second vehicle arrives at 1am
-Sat Pancake/Sausage Breakfast, Hot Tub
-Worship Major Ken
-Session #1 Major Fred - Personality vs Character
-BBQ Lunch, Hot Tub
-Afternoon walk at Panorama, Transformers
-BBQ Steak Dinner, Hot Tub
-Worship Major Ken
-Session #2 Major Fred - "The Pert Plan"
-Salvation Army Euchre Tourney - Be sure to watch out for Walter
-Hot tub, Late night snacks
-Sun Breakfast - serve yourself
-Clean up and head to Church
-Major Fred lighting the communion candles
-Major Fred participating in the game show on the platform during the service
-Major Fred gives his testimony
-Lunch at "Invermere on the Lake"
-Tims visit, on the road
-Joe wants to feed the bull elk by hand at the side of the road
-Arrive home at 8:30pm