Sunday Morning: Starts at 11am (as usual) but we will be having our church cantata sing. I hope everyone can make it cause there sure are some talented singers within that group, and as well Capt. Les' dad will be preaching in that service.
Sunday Evening (Christmas Eve Service): Will be commencing at 6:30pm. Come really early to get a seat!
Hope to see you guys all there at both services!
Countdown to Christmas: 3 Days
Countdown To Christmas..............
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
What A Performance
Special Thanks to :
- Jon and Tracy Savage
- The Pioneer Leaders
- Kathy Windsor
- Pioneer Club Kids
Looking forward to what next year has in store for everyone!
Christmas Campaign
Only 7 days to go. If you can help us out please call the office as soon as possible.
All we need is one last push. Please help us help others!
This Coming Sunday - Christmas Concert
This Sunday our young people from the Church will be leading the worship service and performing the play "Three wise men and a baby". Are you coming? The service starts at 11:00am and you will want to come early to get a good seat!
See you all there!
How To Get Into The Christmas Spirit
STEP 1: Shop early. Nothing takes away the Christmas spirit like fighting for parking and struggling through crowds.
STEP 2: Wish people that you meet in stores and other casual environments a happy holiday. Say it with a smile.
STEP 3: Place money into the Salvation Army kettles
STEP 4: Do something nice for someone. Offer to baby-sit so a friend can do her Christmas shopping, take cookies to your neighbors, or shovel an elderly neighbor's walk.
STEP 5: Volunteer your time to a worthy holiday cause. Even if you are busy, you can spare an hour or two to help people less fortunate than yourself.
STEP 6: Organize a drive at work or in your neighborhood. Collect food and personal items and donate them to a local shelter for the homeless or for battered women.
STEP 7: Play Christmas music.
STEP 8: Watch Christmas movies. "Elf" , "Santa Clause" is a good one for reviving a flagging Christmas spirit, as is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
STEP 9: Read "A Christmas Carol"
STEP 10: Decorate your house for the holidays.
STEP 11: Don't spend more money than you have. Anxiety over after-Christmas bills can ruin your holiday.
This week...
Monday - Kettles/Choir Practise
Tuesday - Kettles
Wednesday - Kettles/Chateau Mission Visit
Thursday - Kettles
Friday - Kettles
Saturday - Kettles/YP Christmas Concert Practise/Floor Hockey Party
Sunday - Worship Service - YP Concert/Winspear Festival of Carols
Sunday Service
Yesterday we celebrated Advent #2 of Christmas. During the sermon Capt Les reminded us of the importance of Peace and Joy not only at Christmas time but year round.
Next week our young peoples Christmas contata will perform and lead the service. You will want to come early to ensure yourself a seat!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Kettles, Kettles, Kettles
Before the start of the day Saturday Dec 9, we have raised $36,910.00 to date.
Yes we are well on our way after now completing 13 days of the 27 day campaign. Thank you for all who have helped out thus far and we look forward to achieving this years goal of $90,000.00 but only with your help! Keep on believing!
Heads Up....
Thurs. Dec.7/06- Light Up St.Albert @ 7:00pm
Friday Dec.8/06- Floor Hockey NightSat. Dec.9/06- Children's Christmas Concert Practice (at the church) from 11am-2pm
Sun. Dec.10/06
- Sturgeon Hospital (hand out sunshine bags) @ 2pm
- St.Albert Ministry Staff Christmas Party @ 6:30pm
Tues. Dec. 12/06- Lunch Bunch @ 11am
Sat. Dec. 16/06
- FINAL Christmas Concert Practice (at the church) from 11am-2pm
- Floor Hockey Season Ending Party @ 7pm (at the church)
Sun. Dec.17/06
- Christmas Play (During Church)
- Festival of Carols at the Winspear at 7:00pmChristmas Kettle Update
Many thanks to those who have already given of their time and money in assisting us thus far.
Please help us help others!
Could you imagine?
Safety Tip of the Day!
- Ice scraper and or de-icer
- Blankets
- Extra Batteries
- Extra Anti-Freeze
- First Aid Kit
- Battery Jump Kit
- Shovel-in case you get stuck in the snow
- Gloves, Hats, Mitts, Scarves

For those of you that have signed up so far, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your time is appreciated by all!
1st week of Advent...Coming Soon!

The scripture passages of the birth of Christ can be found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20.
Christmas is a time for love and fun, a time to reshape souls and roots and a time to give your heart to everyone.
As we approach this cold christmas season, let's keep in mind the TRUE meaning of christmas. Christmas is spending the Christmas season with family and friends, reliving old traditions, giving service to those in need and most importantly remembering the birth of Jesus.
Pray Hard!
1.) Wash your hands, very frequently (it is also proven that hand sanitizer is just as effective as washing your hands)
2.) Make sure to take your daily multivitamin and eat well
3.) Drinking plenty of water will keep you well hydrated. Proper hydration is essential to a strong immune system and will help you feel better as well.
4.) Stay away from sick people who have a fever or cold symptoms, this is when they are most contagious.
Note to everyone not feeling well: Get lots of rest and we hope you feel better as soon as possible
Christmas Countdown: 31 Days!
Christian Jokes!
A minister told his congregation, "Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark 17."
The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, "Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying."
A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!"
While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again. As she ran she once again began to pray, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...But please don't shove me either!"
There is the story of a preacher who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: "I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."
At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, "Johnny, what is the matter?"
Little Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."
A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping."
Bundle Up!
It is suppost to get as cold as -33C. I don't think that should be allowed, but we have no say in this. All we can do is bundle up with our hats, gloves, scarfs, long underwear, boots, snowpants, ear muffs, parka and a nice hot glass of hot chocolate around this time of year.
Doesn't this just look better and better each day?........
Christmas Countdown: 32 Days!
Christmas Countdown!

Kettles Start Thursday
Are you doing your part? Have you signed up yet? WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Help us help others - contact Marcia Berrisford at 780-458-1937 and sign up TODAY (PLEASE)!
Kettle Kick Off
Special thanks to the DHQ PR Department, Paul Moulton and his staff at Servus Credit Union Place for their hospitality, Mootastic for the donation of coffee and treats for everyone to enjoy, to Marcia, Jon & Maggie for putting on such a special event and special thanks to our Mayor Paul Chalifoux, MLA Jack Flaherty, and our Kettle Campaign honorary chairman Fire Chief Len Clarke.
Good Morning!
Don't forget this week at church today Captain Leanne Van Duinen will be preaching AND don't forget to be at the leisure centre on Tuesday November 21 for our Kettle Kickoff (and maybe you will wanna pick up some shifts while you are there, there are always lots available).
Financial Donations
Thanks in advance for helping us help others!
2006 Christmas Campaign
We are about to launch into our Christmas Fundraising campaign. This year we have prayerfully set our goal to raise $150,000.00 through our Kettles and Mail campaign. Please keep in mind that these funds go to our community neighbours who are in need - throughout the entire year not just at Christmas time.
Please remember that these dollars DO NOT come to the Church Ministries, these funds are kept seperate and dispersed through our Community and Family Services department.
The kettle kick off is on Nov 21 at 11:30 at the Leisure centre which marks the start of our kettle campaign and the Mail will be going out to 50,000 local area homes and business in the next seven days.
Be sure to see Mrs. Marcia Berrisford if you can help us in any way during the campaign.
Let it snow....
Yes the weather outside is frightful - definitely not delightful! We are experiencing yet another winter storm (the third one of the season thus far). It now appears that we have between 12-15 inches of snow on the ground - uuggghhhh!
Let's be honest - I would rather we doing this.....

Remembrance Ceremony!
Christmas is Coming
Just a reminder that Cantata practise takes place on Monday and Wednesday's of each week at the Church. If you want to sing you've got to get there for practise!
Sign up sheets are now available - see Marcia Berrisford for available times and locations
Kettle Kick Off
This years kick off takes place on Tuesday Nov 21 - 11:30AM at the new multi-purpose leisure centre complex in St. Albert. The Mayor is coming, the Chief of the Fire Department is coming, MP Jack Flaherty is coming, the media is coming.....ARE YOU COMING?
Mail Campaign
This year we will be delivering 50,000 Christmas letters to the citizens and business of St Albert, Morinville, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain etc. Please give generously to support this campaign. Every dollar that you give goes to those in need in our community. So please help us help others!
Church Time!
Make sure to join us all at The St.Albert Cenotaph on Saturday November 11 at 10:30am to remember the men and women who have and continue to serve our country.

This Coming Sunday
See you all there!
Good Morning!
Good Morning Everyone! Have you taken a look outside yet to see the MOUNDS of snow we receieved last night?.
So for now I leave you with a cartoon strip, Have a great Saturday everyone and hope to see you all tomorrow for Church!

Pioneer Club=SUCCESS!

Mens Trip To Panorama
The Tribulation
Keep the faith Bucs fans - Go Bucs Go
This game was truly about having faith in your team. Sorry about your eagles Stefan, it was a valiant attempt!
Pumpkin Party!
Men's Retreat!
Sunday Musings!
As well as music from the worship team such as - "How Great Is Our God", " Celebrate Jesus Celebrate", "Worthy is the Lamb" and "Offering".
Before the service, we had a good turn out for our "Toast Fellowship" which commenced at 9am. Thank to Walter and Susan Kwak for their gourmet delights.
If you missed out, make sure to join us next sunday!
Go Oilers Go!

Yes, I owe it all to you, Mom.
Throughout my life your caring,
Christmas Countdown!
Cool Christian T-shirts
Interested in buying the t-shirt's here? AND SO MANY MORE....
Upcoming Sermon Series - Revelation
Week #1 - The church and worship, Week #2 - The Tribulation,
Week #3 - The AntiChrist, Week #4 - Armageddon,
Week #5 - The New Era, Week #6 - Christ's Return
This series may change your life! See you at Church!
Church Fellowship Night - CANCELLED
Do too circumstances beyond our control we have had to cancel this months Church Fellowship Night. Don't be too sad everyone - it will return in November!
Praise God!!
Wow! If you missed out on church today, you missed a hip hoppin' service! The worship today was unbelieveable! The thanksgiving decorations were done up so wonderfully and you could really feel the spirit moving in the sanctuary today! From Songs like Days of Elijah to Blessed Be Your Name to Forever to I Could Sing of Your Love Forever! It's amazing how many people really get into the music when we (the worship team) are playing it. From the stage it is an awesome thing to see people lifting their hands up to the Lord.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Give Thanks!
Thanksgiving Time...
- Don't stuff the turkey with the dressing, as it absorbs much of the fat. Bake it in a covered casserole instead.
- Saute onions and celery in a small amount of butter/margarine, i.e., 1 tablespoon. Use chicken or turkey broth for additional moisture.
- Roast the turkey on a rack so the fat drips away from the bird.
- Use a fat separator for the roasting pan juices and skim off all fat before making the gravy. (like using a dry package of turkey gravy mix for added flavor and thickening)
- Sprinkle hot vegetables with dill for flavor instead of butter.
- Use all fruit spreads on rolls vs butter or margarine OR, SKIP THE ROLLS due to so many other "bread" items, i.e., stuffing, sweet potatoes, whipped potatoes, etc.
- Use the 1-10 rating system during Thanksgiving dinner. Rate each food that is passed on a 1-10 scale - 1, not appealing - 10, WOW, my favorite! Eat only 9's and 10's. Pass up the rest!
- Don't skip meals before the big meal that day. You'll be too hungry and may overeat. Treat it as a regular day - 3 meals and fruit snacks.
- Begin the meal with a salad. You'll eat less during dinner.
- After dinner, go for a long walk!
Small Groups....
Just to let those of you that are interested in attending the following small groups the times and places of where and when they commence:
The Men's Group starts tonight at The church at 7:00pm
The Ladies Group starts tomorrow night at The Dube's at 6:30pm
The Adults Group starts tomorrow night at The Berrisford's at 6:30pm
The Parenting Group starts tomorrow night at The Marshall's at 6:30pm
How to Post A Comment..
Step 1: Underneath each blog post is the amount of comments, click on that link and it will take you to a page where there is a space that you can write in what you would like to type
Step 2: As soon as you are finished you can choose from the following three things to publish it : Blogger(the address of your current blog page), Other (fill in your name) and Anonymous (if you don't wish to make it known to everyone that you published that comment)
Step 3: When you are finished there is a space where you need to copy the letters and write them in the space provided
Step 4: When you are finished completing all 3 tasks click on Login and Publish and your comment will automatically be sent
Friday Night- The youth and our youth pastors travelled the 2 and a half hours to the Salvation Army Pine Lake Camp for Youth Together 2006. Youth from Alberta came to worship God in a positive Christian environment. While back in St.Albert our new floor hockey league went very well! 18 guys/girls showed up to play and have some fun! This week the teams will be picked just pray that Dean Poffley is on your team He's AWESOME! WHOAH! We hope to see everyone out there next friday!
Saturday- Had a wonderful time at our 2nd annual golf tournament and potluck. The weather was fantastic, we had a record turn out and everyone received a prize during the potluck dinner immediately following the golf.
Special mention to the most honest golfer: Gina Joys, to the longest putt winner: Betty, and to the shortest putt: Susan Kwak
Sunday- In spite of the many who attended Youth Councils at Pine Lake Camp we enjoyed an amazing worship service and Captain Tiffany reminded us of the importance of being part of a church family, being connected to one another and committed to caring for each another.
This Week's Birthdays: Stefan's Birthday is on Tuesday October 2, and Erin Mireau is turning 19 on Thursday October 5!
Just Checking In......
For all you youth attending Youth Councils this weekend just remember that we are leaving from the church at 4:30pm!!!
DON'T FORGET. that this weekend is the 2nd annual golf tournament and potluck at Cotoye Canyon. It starts this Saturday at 1pm.
Also....have you checked out the St.Albert Gazette today? If you noticed around the middle of the paper there is a picture of some of the youth in the Big Banana... WE GOT AN AD IN THE PAPER ABOUT IT!! woo hoo!!!!
Finally.. don't forget to sign up for small groups this Sunday!! It is not something you want to miss out on!! We have some awesome leaders leading some awesome fun filled groups that are going to be amazing!! Tough Decision..thats for sure!
Calling All Men....
Sunday Musings
-Worship Team Practice took place at 9:00am
-The first "Toast Fellowship Club" started at 9:45am
-Sunday School occurred during the worship service
-Small groups sign up lists were distributed and everyone was encouraged to sign up and get involved in a group that interests them the most
During the Fall session there are five small groups that we can all choose from. They are...
1. Desperate Households - this group is aimed at parents looking for positive parenting support and direction based on God's Word.
2. Leave No Man Behind - based on this years Promise Keepers theme this group is for all men who desire to seek God's will for their own lives and how to make a difference.
3. Virtuous Women - this group focuses on issues that todays Women deal with such as stress and the balance of work and home.
4. The Gospel of Mark - this group for adults in general will work through the book of Mark and will see what it has to say and how it applies to living in todays world.
5. Does Your Life Mirror Your TV? - this group which is also for adults in general will look into TV shows such as Desperate Housewives, Extreme Makeover, CSI and the Apprentice to see what effect they have on our daily life and our perceptions.
Be sure to sign up before they commence on Oct 4th & 5th!
Todays Message - Capt Les then challenged us to keep the main thing the main thing. Using Haggai chapter 1:1-15 we were reminded that God must be our first priority in life, then our families and then our Jobs.
As we begin the fall program season and with all of the "worldly" pressures that seem to zap us of our time we must remain focused and keep our priorities in order.
Coffee Fellowship - following the service we enjoyed some fellowship over a cup of coffee and tea
Chateau Mission - at 3:00pm Jon & Tracy Savage led the service at our monthly visit to Chateau Mission Seniors Home. In spite of the fire alarm sounding off - the service was enjoyed by all.
That's it - the rest of the day is now family time where we will be spending some quality time with each other - may I suggest that you try the same thing at your home!
What A Success...
Pictures coming soon!!!!
For all you parents out there... Pioneer Clubs run from 6:30-8:00 so bring the kids while you participate in your small group. Finally, Band Practice starts again under our fearless leader... Stefan from 8:15-9:30!!!
Hope to see you all there!!!