The saying goes "Spring is in the Air". Well, let us rephrase that by saying "Fall is in the Air"...and with that comes the start-up of our Corps Programs. There is so much happening at the St. Albert Corps and Community Centre...here are some upcoming events:
Sunday, September 14th @ 1:30 p.m. ~ Corps Picnic @ Cardiff Park in Celebration of Rally Day. There will be games for the kids and the adults...so come along, bring a dish for our potluck meal and your lawnchair or picnic blanket.
Thursday, September 18th @ 6:30 p.m. ~ Pioneer Club Start-up. Through Pioneer Club, children earn badges through fun, hands-on activities. The Pioneer Program creates the perfect environment for developing healthy relationships - with peers, leaders, and ultimately, Jesus Christ. Weekly Bible study, meaningful Scripture memory, and fun life-skills activities make each meeting memorable and full of variety. Snack is provided. Cost is $40 per child and $1 each week. Hope to see you there. For registration or for more information, please contact Donna at 780-458-1937.
Saturday, September 20th @ 7:30 a.m. ~ Men's Breakfast at Golden Dynasty Restaurant (St. Albert Rd.)
Saturday, September 20th @ 7:30 p.m. ~ Start-up of "Young Adults" Fellowship Group (ages 18-30).
Sunday, September 21st @ 1:30 p.m. ~ Annual Corps Golf Tournament. This will be held at Coyote Canyon Golf Course (54313 Range Rd. 260, St. Albert). It doesn't matter if this is your 50th time on the golf course, or your 1st (and there are a lot of first timers)...everyone is welcome to come along and have fun! Following our time of fun at the golf course we'll be coming back to the church for a potluck supper. You are required to pay in advance, which can be paid to Susan Kwak...the cost is $15.00 per person, and we ask the you also RSVP to Susan ASAP.
Tuesday, September 23rd ~ Small Groups Startup...Stay tuned for Small Groups Topics.
Wednesday, September 24th @ 7:00 p.m. ~ Ladies Night Out. This will be our first "Night Out" of the year...be sure to come along and bring another lady with you.
Saturday, September 27th @ 7:00 p.m. ~ Crave Start-up (ages 13-17).
If you wish to have any further information on any of the activities happening at our church please feel free to call our office (780) 458-1937.