"Everyone thirsts...but there is only ONE drink that will truly satisfy."
What is H2O? It's a journey of faith!
In our world of moral relativism, secular humanism and religious pluralism, where expressions of the Christian Faith are becoming increasingly unacceptable and even illegal, the average Christian wanting to share his or her faith becomes confused and unsure of where to turn to effectively share what God has asked them to share. H2O Bible Study is a resource that will enable believers to share their faith with confidence and unprecedented effectiveness. H2O takes the viewer on a powerful, engaging journey that is a carefully crafted progression designed to bring non-believers to a willingness to accept Christ.
We'd love for YOU to come along and share this journey with us. We'll be meeting each Tuesday evening, beginning February 3rd at 6:30 p.m. We'll begin with a DELICIOUS dinner, and then go into our time of Study together. If you have any further questions, please contact Jason or Gaye at 780 458-1937. Hope to see you there!!!!