If you've been a part of The Salvation Army for any length of time at all, you know that change is inevitable. And of course, from time to time we have a change in our leadership.
Today, we received announcements that there will be a change in our Divisional Leadership. Majors Eric and Donna Bond, who have served wonderfully as our Divisional Commander and Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, are being transferred to the College for Officer Training in Winnipeg, Manitoba, with Major Eric as the Principal of CFOT and Major Donna responsible for the Spiritual Formation of the Cadets.
We are also pleased to announce that Majors Fred and Wendy Waters, who are no strangers to St. Albert, will now be our Divisional Leaders, with Major Fred taking on the responsibility of Divisional Commander and Major Wendy becoming the Divisional Director of Women's Ministries.
Although we are sad to see the Bond's leave, we are very happy to have Majors Waters leading our division, effective July 3rd.
Please find below all of the appointments that were released today (the Bonds and Waters will be included in this list) :
Major Frederick Waters, Area Commander - Prairie & Northern Territories Division, is appointed as Divisional Commander, Alberta & Northern Territories Division, effective July 3, 2009. As a result of restructuring, this division will return to being a stand alone Division with DHQ remaining in Edmonton.
Major Wendy Waters , Area Commander, Prairie & Northern Territories Division, is appointed as Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Alberta & Northern Territories Division, effective July 3, 2009.
Major Eric Bond , Divisional Commander, Prairie & Northern Territories Division, is appointed as Principal, College for Officer Training, Winnipeg, effective July 3, 2009.
Major Donna Bond , Divisional Director of Women's Ministries/Divisional Community Care Ministries Secretary, Prairie & Northern Territories Division, is appointed as Director of Spiritual Formation, College for Officer Training, Winnipeg, effective July 3, 2009.
Major Sandra Rice , Principal, College for Officer Training, is appointed as Territorial Secretary for Personnel, effective July 3, 2009. This is a senior reserved appointment, and therefore Major Rice will be promoted to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel upon assuming this appointment.
Major Susan van Duinen , Divisional Commander and Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Manitoba and Northwest Ontario Division, is appointed as Divisional Commander & Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, British Columbia Division, effective July 3, 2009.
Major Junior Hynes , Divisional Commander, Newfoundland and Labrador West, is appointed as Divisional Commander, Prairie Division, effective July 3, 2009. This division will be created by amalgamating the former Manitoba & NW Ontario Division with the Province of Saskatchewan.
Major Verna Hynes, Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Divisional Director for Personnel (Officers), Divisional Retired Officers' Coordinator, Newfoundland and Labrador West, is appointed as Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Prairie Division, effective July 3, 2009.
Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Richardson , Divisional Commander, Ontario Great Lakes Division, is appointed as Divisional Commander, Newfoundland and Labrador Division, effective July 3, 2009. As a result of restructuring, Newfoundland & Labrador West and Newfoundland & Labrador East will merge to become Newfoundland & Labrador Division with DHQ located in St. John's. This appointment is for a two year term. Lieut.-Colonels Richardson's active service has been extended to July 2011.
Lieut-Colonel Ethel Richardson, Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Divisional Director for Personnel (Officers), Ontario Great Lakes Division, is appointed as Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Newfoundland and Labrador Division, effective July 3, 2009.
Major Lee Graves , Area Commander for Ontario East Area, Ontario Central-East Division, is appointed as Divisional Commander, Ontario Great Lakes Division, effective July 3, 2009. This is a senior reserved appointment and therefore Major Graves will be promoted to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel upon assuming this appointment.
Major Deborah Graves , Executive Director, Ottawa Bethany Hope Centre, Ontario Central-East Division, is appointed as Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Ontario Great Lakes Division effective July 3, 2009. Major Graves will be promoted to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel upon assuming this appointment.
We want to assure these leaders of our prayers in these days of transition.
Congratulations to All!!!