May 21st Back to School Committee Meeting
May 23rd Crave/Young Adults Close-out Event for the Summer
May 24th Major Doug Hefford will be our Special Guest for Family Worship
May 26th Lunch Bunch
May 28th-30th Floor Stripping and Waxing -- No Dodgeball on Friday, May 29th
May 31st Baby Shower for Baby Kealan Ludlow following our Service at 1:00 p.m.
June 1-5 Seniors Week in St. Albert (See Bulletin Board for details)
June 6th Newfie Night
July 1-4 Mom's and Tot's Camp
July 14-August 15 Community Summer Youth Program "Sonrock Kid's Camp"
July 20-24 Pine Lake Summer Camp
October 2-4 Women's Retreat at Pine Lake
For any additional information on the above mentioned events, please call our office at 780 458-1937.